Title I Services
What is Title I?
- It is the largest federal aid program in our nation's schools
- Requires a high-quality education for every child
- Provides extra help for those students who need it most
- Makes certain Title I schools use strategies proven by research
- Requires teachers to be well trained and highly qualified to teach
- Involves parents in their children's education with ideas for assistance and choice
How do schools qualify for Title I?
- Must have above system average of students living in "poverty"
- Free reduced price lunch is used as the "poverty indicator"
What kind of services does Title I provide?
- Tutorials
- Extra academic materials
- Computer assisted learning
- Parent and Family Engagement activities/training
- Extra Bilingual Aide Support
- Professional development to staff to assure they have the highest qualification possible to help your children to succeed
You have a right as a Title I Parent to:
- Provide suggestions and ideas into the development of the school Title I plan
- Receive information in an understandable format and to the extent practicable in a language you understand
- Conference with your child's teacher, observe or volunteer at your child's school
- Have your student test results explained to you in a an understandable way annually
- An annual Title I Parent meeting
- Meet at other times in the year in a place and time convenient for Title I Parents
- Receive written notice if your child's school is a school in need of improvement including your right to school choice, transportation and supplemental services
- Help design the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Program
- Receive training in how to help your child succeed academically
- Help design teacher training related to helping teachers increase their skills and understanding of working with parents as equal partners
- Receive information on the qualifications of the staff teaching your children
- Provide annual feedback on the success of the Title I Parent and Family Engagement program
- Receive a list of Parent resources
Quality Teachers/Assistants
- You have the right to know whether our teachers meet the state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grades and core academic subjects he or she teaches
- Whether the teacher is under emergency or provisional status because of special circumstances
- The teacher's college major, whether the teacher has any advanced degrees, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree
- Whether teacher assistants provide services to your child, and if so, their qualifications
What can Parents do to help?
- Look at your child's performance and make sure you understand where your child stands in reading and mathematics
- Talk with your child's teacher and principal to find out how you and your school work together to improve your child's performance
- Look for the annual school report card and be aware of your school's performance under ESSA
- Communicate your school's successes to your community and look for ways to support your school in challenging areas