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Kiowa County High School will be hosting the Girls and Boys 1A-DI Sub-State Championship games this year. The Girls games will be played at 6:00pm and 7:30pm on Friday, March 7, and the Boys games will be played at 5:00pm and 6:30pm on Saturday, March 8. Admission will be $8 for Adults and $6 for K-12 Students. No passes will be accpeted.
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2025 Winter Homecoming

Due to inclement weather on Friday, January 10, the crowing ceremony and dance have been moved to Saturday, February 8. The Mavericks will be hosting Spearville. The 2025 Kiowa County High School Winter Homecoming will take place the week of January 7 through January 10.  As in the past, Spirit Week will also be observed all week by the students of Kiowa County.  The Spirit Week activities can be found . . .

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2024 KSHSAA State Football Championships

Kiowa County Schools is excited to announce that we have been selected by the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) to be the host of the 2024 State Football Championship games for 6-Player, 8-Player Division I and 8-Player Division II.  This is exciting for us because it gives the qualifying teams the chance to play a KSHSAA Championship game on a field designed for 6-Player and 8-Player football.  . . .

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KCHS ELA Teachers receive South Central Community Foundation Grant

In the Fall of 2023, Mrs. McMurry and Mr. Ballard implemented a new era of ELA course offerings at Kiowa County High School. These courses moved away from the traditional freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes to provide more options for our students and allow for mixed grade-level classes. A few of the new course titles include Holocaust Literature, Dystopian Literature, Research and Writing, Grammar and Language, . . .

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KSHSAA Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Form (PPE)

Prior to the start of the school year, students interested in participating in extra-curricular activities in their school are required to complete a pre-participation physical evaluation to be completed by a healthcare provider.  The annual history and the physical examination shall not be taken earlier than May 1 preceding the school year for which it is applicable.  The KSHSAA recommends completion of this evaluation . . .

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Activity Bus Drivers Needed

USD 422 Kiowa County is currently looking for individuals that are interested in being an Activity Bus Driver for the Maverick's sports programs.  Activity Drivers are needed to safely transport Junior High and High School students to our Away contests throughout the state.  A Commercial Drivers License (CDL) with Air Brake Certification is preferred, but USD 422 will work with the right applicant to help them obtain the . . .

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Kiowa County Junior High 2024-2025 1st Semester Honor Roll

The following Kiowa County Junior High Students have been named to the 1st Semester Honor Roll for the 2024-2025 school year.  The following criteria are used to determine if a student qualifies for the Honor Roll. Superintendent's Honor Roll:  Those students with a 4.00 GPA during the semester, OR students that made all A's. Principal's Honor Roll:  Those students with a 3.70 - 3.99 GPA . . .

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Kiowa County High School 2024-2025 1st Semester Honor Roll

Kiowa County High School will maintain a semester honor roll for each semester. Students who fail to make up their incomplete assignments in the allotted time (five days after the semester) will not be eligible for the honor roll that semester. Special circumstances will be taken into consideration by the principal, counselor, and teacher.   Superintendent's Honor Roll:  4.00 OR students making all . . .

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